Monday, September 8, 2008

Music to my ears

Jonathan continues to amaze me. After church on Sunday, Kerri-Ellen came up to me to share a cute Jonathan story. She said that he was giving his teacher a hard time in Sharing Time, and then the pianist started to play "I love to see the Temple". She said Jonathan sat up and said "I love this song. I went to the Temple with my mommy and daddy". She said he then sat reverently and sang the entire song :) So cute. We listen to the primary songs a lot in the car and I have really noticed lately how much he is enjoying singing. While we are on the subject of Jonathan singing, here is another cute story. Benjamin was upset when I was putting him to bed the other night. Jonathan suggested I sing him a song. I sang him "I am a child of God" and then Jonathan asked me to sing it to him. After I finished I said good night and left their room. Benjamin was getting upset again and I heard Jonathan say "don't be upset Benjamin", and now for the best part, then I heard him singing "I am a child of God" to Benjamin. Doesn't that just make your heart melt!!! I have heard him sing to him a couple of times since then. It is nice to know that he loves his brother despite all the trouble he gives him.