Wednesday, May 21, 2008


We celebrated Queen Victoria day with fireworks on Monday night. Bowmanville had it's anual fireworks at the Johnson's on Monday night. Joel went out with Jonathan earlier in the day and bought some fireworks from the big truck by the Bowmanville Zoo. When we got there it was REALLY windy, but we were prepared. We were dressed warmly and I had made a nice big thermos of hot chocolate. Yummy! There were hotdogs and chips and lots of desserts to eat. The big boys (daddy included) played catch while the little kids played around. At one point I saw Jonathan, Benjamin and Joel trying to roll down a little (extremely little) hill. It was addorable. They all happened to be wearing red. Benjamin was trying to figure out how to lie down so that he could then roll down. It was so cute.
Eden spent much of the night sleeping on Sister Johnston. Doesn't she look adorable. I love that hat :)
As usual, Hannah was trying to hang out with the big girls (Stephanie and Shania who are 7 years older than her). They are nice girls, but I would much rather her play with the girls her age. Joel took her to the fire to roast marshmallows, which distracted her enough so that she eventually started playing with Logan and Bianca. The wind died down once the sun started to set, so that made it even more enjoyable. Once the sun set, Joel brought out glow sticks for the kids. A little while later, Hannah came up to me and told me that she had given hers to Brother Wry's niece (also a Hannah, and not a member). I thought that was so thoughtful of her. Once the Brother Coutts and Brother Brignall started setting off the fireworks, we got comfy on our lawn chairs and cuddled under blankets and had our hot chocolate. I loved listening to the kids as they watched the fireworks, all their "wow's" and "ooh's". It was great. Moments like these make me so happy that we have had our kids so close together. I love that they will have many of the same memories.

1 comment:

Canadian Princess said...

wow...i can't believe how big Eden is...her face has changed so much and I can see her resemblance to Jonathan and Hannah especially. she is adorable!