Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The New Narnia

We decided to take the kids to "Narnia - Prince Caspian" aka "the new Narnia". For weeks, whenever the kids would see a Narnia preview on TV they would say "it's the new Narnia". The kids were pretty good during the movie. I was hoping that Eden would sleep through it (we went to an afternoon show partially for that reason). She slept a little at the beginning and then woke up. Benjamin ended up falling asleep on Joel. Grandad bought the kids a huge popcorn and pop for a snack, which was great, but also meant that the kids each had to go to the washroom during the movie. I took Jonathan to the washroom and then he ended up peeing on his pants.......I was so upset with him. I knew as soon as he sat on the toilet that it was going to happen as he didn't pull his pants down all the way and started going as SOON as he sat down. I was so frustrated with him. I knew that I was overreacting, but at the same time couldn't stop myself. I feel so horrible when I do that. Fortunately it is'nt that often. Aside from that we had a great time. The movie was really good and the kids enjoyed it. Jonathan wants "a new Narnia" sword he saw at Toys R Us for Christmas. What a funny boy. As I am typing this he is sitting beside me and playing with my hair. He has been doing this lately. He will sit beside me and run his fingers through my hair. He also will come up to me and just touch his hand to my face and hold it there and then tell me he loves me. I love how affectionate our kids are. They tell us multiple times a day that they love us and are always giving us hugs and kisses.

1 comment:

Canadian Princess said...

Ahh so cute about Jonathan...not the peeing part of course;)